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Article Processing Charges (APC)

Scienxt (Publisher), a self-supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. As a result, only processing fees from authors and a few academic or business sponsors are used to run the Journal. The handling charges are necessary to cover the journal’s upkeep. The articles in Journals are freely available online because it is an Open Access journals, therefore subscription fees are not required. Article authors must pay a reasonable handling fee for processing their articles. There are no submission fees, though. Only after their paper has been accepted for publication are authors obliged to make payment.

Manuscript Type Article Processing Charges
Regular Articles 339 319 379


Average Article processing time (APT) is 5-6 weeks.

Note: Article processing charges for Short Review or Short Commentary is $119 USD.

As we publish articles online in open access and subscription mode

Waiver and Withdrawal Policy

The Journal places the highest value on the caliber of scholarly contributions and does not let budgetary constraints to prevent the publishing of a quality article from having a greater impact. If there isn’t enough money set aside for publication (for real reasons) and/or if the author(s) are from a developing or underdeveloped nation, they may be given the chance to publish their work with a special discount or a partial waiver of the article processing fee, as determined from time to time by the managing editorial team of the journal. On particular occasions, like open access week, partial waivers and discounts are also valid.

The article should be withdrawn within 7 days. Author need to pay withdrawal Charges after 7 days for withdrawing the manuscript.

Refund Policies

Withdrawn articles received after the publication of journals will be not eligible for refund.
We don’t have any refund policies.

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