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Scienxt Journals are peer-reviewed open access/print/online journals. Various specialized subject areas of focus and scope are Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Healthcare, Humanities, and various areas. We publish quality research articles that create impact and ensure sustainability, which will create a better future for the next generation.

Scienxt Center of Excellence (P) Ltd., is the creation of the founders of Kumar & Kumar Publishers(P) Ltd., Bangalore, which is more than 25 years old with rich experience in publishing high-quality technical, science, and competitive books. A dedicated team of educationists, technocrats, and entrepreneurs with vast experience in various fields working in bringing out the best Books and Journals. Eminent educationists, industrialists, philanthropists, bureaucrats, and scientists around the globe guide the team as advisory and editor board members. Our research team is working rigorously to connect the available talent and resources to build partnerships to promote research collaboration. Our collective goal is to promote the use of research facilities for community welfare and technology growth.

We work towards spreading the research work far and wide. Scienxt offers Free Paper Publication in all its print and online journals. We do not charge any Article Processing Charges(APC). All articles published will be given Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and Certificate Of  Publication (COP) without any additional charges.

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Scienxt Journals

Call for Paper: Dec, 2024

Paper Submission last date: 31st March, 2025

Paper Review Notification: In 1-2 days

Paper Publishing: In 3-5 days


No – Article Processing Charges(APC); FreeDigital Object Identifier (DOI), Free – Certificate Of  Publication (COP)


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