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Current Issue || Volume-1|| Issue -1|| Year-2024 || JAN-JUNE

About the Journal


Introduction Page  

Knowledge, attitudes and uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations among health workers at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospitall (pg: 1-25)

Margaret Kanyemibwa, Benjamin Betunga, Anne Tweheyo Otwine, Meble Kasande

Abstract Full text PDF

A study to evaluate the effectiveness of writing therapy on anxiety among differently abled adolescents at a selected special school, Coimbatore (pg: 26-31)

Mrs. Manimegalai. B

Abstract Full text PDF

Challenges faced by upgrading nursing students in clinical placements at Kenya Methodist University Margaret Kanyemibwa (pg: 32-49)

Tuitoek Doris

Abstract Full text PDF

A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding health promotion behaviour among the elderly in a selected community at Dehradun (pg: 50-55)

Ms. Rosaline Lilly Mary. A

Abstract Full text PDF

Assessment of risk factors of stroke among clients attending medicine OPD, BSMC&H, Bankura, West Bengal (pg: 56-77)

Mrs. Rimashree Mondal, Mrs. Lakshmi Pandit, Mrs. Rahima Rahaman

Abstract Full text PDF

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