SJC – Scienxt Journal of Cardiology, Double blind peer-reviewed Journal, disseminates the most recent findings and innovations in various fields of Cardiology in the form of Original Research, Reviews, Case Studies, Opinions, etc. Journal maintains a Quick Publication process with strict peer review to enhance the quality of content. Every submitted manuscript undergoes peer review by the subject matter experts under the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief or assigned Editorial Board member of the Journal.
The Journal also publishes conference proceedings.
Scope & Focus
SJC Journal has the following scope and focus but, not limited to these: Cardiology – Percutaneous trans-luminal coronary angioplasty; Treatment of congenital heart defects – Pericardiocentesis; Coronary artery disease – Placement of stent; Myocardial infarction – Valvuloplasty; Endovascular repair – Insertion of pacemaker; Embolic protection – Facets of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease; Imaging technologies and electrophysiology – Malfunctioning of cardiac valves; Congenital heart defects – Hypertension associated heart problems; Medical and surgical aspects of heart and its diseases – Cardiomyopathy; Atherosclerosis – Congenital heart diseases.