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Journal Particulars
Title Scienxt Journal of Omniscience Multidisciplinary
Frequency Biannual (June, December)
Publisher Scienxt Center of Excellence(P) Ltd
Chief Editor Mary Romano
Copyright @Scienxt Center of Excellence(P) Ltd
Subject Omniscience Multidisciplinary
Language English
Publication Format Print + Online
Phone No 742857881, 7428578883
Email Id
Address Scienxt Center of Excellence(P) Ltd, Plot No-4, Institutional Area, Sector-16A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh -201301
Indexing Google Scholar, Zenodo, Figshare, Academia, Scribd, ResearchGate

SJOM- Scienxt Journal of Omniscience Multidisciplinary, Double blind peer-reviewed Journal, disseminates the most recent findings and innovations in various fields of Omniscience Multidisciplinary in the form of Original Research, Reviews, Case Studies, Opinions, etc. Journal maintains a Quick Publication process with strict peer review to enhance the quality of content. Every submitted manuscript undergoes peer review by the subject matter experts under the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief or assigned Editorial Board member of the Journal.

The Journal also publishes conference proceedings.

Scope & Focus

SJOM Journal has the following scope and focus but, not limited to these: Consciousness, Spiritual values, Mythology, Religious deeds, Metaphysics, Human and communication, Human beliefs, Natural science, Simplicity, Graciousness, Holiness, In corporeality, Jealousy, Righteousness, Providence, Asperity,Perception, Epistemology, Political misinformation, Effects.

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