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Journal Particulars
Title Scienxt International Journal of Remote Sensing
Frequency Biannual (June, December)
Publisher Scienxt Center of Excellence(P) Ltd
Chief Editor Dr. K. Ramesha
Copyright @Scienxt Center of Excellence(P) Ltd
Subject  Remote Sensing
Language English
Publication Format Print + Online
Phone No 742857881, 7428578883
Email Id
Address Scienxt Center of Excellence(P) Ltd, Plot No-4, Institutional Area, Sector-16A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh -201301
Indexing Google Scholar, Zenodo, Figshare, Academia, Scribd, ResearchGate

SIJRS- Scienxt International Journal of Remote Sensing, Double blind peer-reviewed Journal, disseminates the most recent findings and innovations in various fields of  Remote Sensing in the form of Original Research, Reviews, Case Studies, Opinions, etc. Journal maintains a Quick Publication process with strict peer review to enhance the quality of content. Every submitted manuscript undergoes peer review by the subject matter experts under the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief or assigned Editorial Board member of the Journal.

The Journal also publishes conference proceedings.

Scope & Focus

SIJRS Journal has the following scope and focus but, not limited to these:Satellite orbits: Introduction to remote sensing: Remote sensing system and components; physics of remote sensing including wave equation and EMR propagation through medium, EMR source characteristics, role of atmosphere, physics of EMR interaction with objects, BRDF, EMR (optical and microwave) interaction with soil, vegetation, water, rocks etc; Terminology, characteristics of ideal and actual orbit, equations governing satellite orbits, geostationary orbit, sun-synchronous orbit, exactly repeating orbits, orbital sub-cycles, examples of operational satellite orbits; Concept of digital image and CCD: Sensor characteristics: various resolutions, FOV, IFOV, point spread function, push broom, whisk broom, side looking sensors, PAN, MS, SLAR; image recording formats; various operational satellites and their data products.

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