SJCS – Scienxt Journal of Cyber Security, Double blind peer-reviewed Journal, disseminates the most recent findings and innovations in various fields of Cyber Security in the form of Original Research, Reviews, Case Studies, Opinions, etc. Journal maintains a Quick Publication process with strict peer review to enhance the quality of content. Every submitted manuscript undergoes peer review by the subject matter experts under the supervision of the Editor-in-Chief or assigned Editorial Board member of the Journal.
The Journal also publishes conference proceedings.
Scope & Focus
SJCS Journal has the following scope and focus but, not limited to these: Networking Fundamentals, Operating System and Security, Information Security, Cloud Security’, Ethical Hacking, Application Security, Social Engineering, Web Application Security, Hacking Wireless Network, IT Security, Network Security, Information Security, Cloud Security, Cyber Defense, Penetration Testing, Digital Forensics, Cyber Intelligence, Security Consulting.